Outdoor Camping Grill Tips For This Deer Hunting Season

If you have been hunting with your family members and friends for years, it is unlikely that you need many deer hunting tips. You probably have your deer stand in the perfect location, schedule your hunting trips to coincide with doe estrus for those big buck prizes, and have your hunting gear dialed in.

Veteran buck hunters know their stuff when it comes to tracking and shooting their prey, but are they also masters in the kitchen? We have learned that many experienced hunters may have the technical stuff down, but they can always use new ideas for grilled venison recipes. Join us as we examine your culinary options for after and during the hunt!


Whether you are camping in a modern cabin or a more rustic tent setup, your hunters need the right fuel for their bodies. Statistics show that hunters burn thousands of calories in a day — all that tracking and trekking can do a number on the body. Your hunting party needs robust, nutritionally-dense food that will sustain them through their days.

We recommend purchasing and prepping side dishes that will delight your hunting party; after all, man cannot subsist on meat alone. Make sure that your group is well-fueled with calorically-dense breakfasts that feature bananas, granola, oatmeal and berries. For your venison- and game-based dinners, we recommend bringing:

  • Potatoes, carrots, turnips or other root veggies
  • Mixed greens for a refreshing salad
  • Peppers and onions for fajita-style accompaniments
  • A selection of vinegar, oil and seasonings that suit your cooking style

Packing a good assortment of side dish options gives you the flexibility to suit every taste. Keep your cooking simple by choosing a portable grill as chief among your outdoor camping cooking accessories. Grilling is quick, easy and requires less equipment, allowing your hunting party to dig in after a long day on the trail.


Every field chef knows that the tenderloin is the softest cut, and perhaps the best-suited for your on-site cooking needs. Tenderloins do not require any aging, and they should be eaten immediately. What happens, though, when you have been in camp for a few days, and both tenderloins have been eaten?

In general, we recommend choosing the softer muscles for your camp meals. These can include the eye of round, flank meat and backstrap. Muscles that get less work tend to be the most tender and appropriate for your outdoor camping recipes.

More adventurous eaters can also make good use of the heart. Newer deer hunting ideas prioritize the use of offal, even in camp meals. Make sure that you remove the tough connective tissues in the heart before you cook it. We recommend a Latin flavored dish, perhaps tacos or thin steaks of heart, for your first foray into this dish. Having the right equipment and a creative attitude can make all the difference in your camp cuisine!

Use your FIREDISC® Cooker on all of your hunting trips this season! Purchase yours here!