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We poked around. This one seems genuine and legit. Try it out. Science says we dig buffalo sauce because it’s so hot it tricks your body into thinking it’s in pain. (This also explains how fan bases in cold-weather cities endure prolonged playoff droughts.) The spicy punishment triggers a deluge of endorphins in your brain, and that’s when the good times roll.
  • ⅔ cup hot pepper sauce
  • ½ cup cold unsalted butter
  • 1 ½ tablespoons white vinegar
  • ¼ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • ¾ teaspoon Cha Cha Cha Chili Seasoning
  • salt to taste
  • Combine hot sauce, butter, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, and salt in a pot. Place over medium heat. Bring to a simmer while stirring with a whisk.
  • As soon as the liquid begins to bubble on the sides of the pot, remove from heat, stir with the whisk, and set aside for use.
