FIREDISC has partnered with R-C Ranch and are now making it convenient for our customers to order directly online at

Wagyu Bundles

What is Wagyu beef?
Derived from cattle originally bred in Japan, Wagyu beef is renowned worldwide for its high levels of marbling. And, largely as a result of the intramuscular fat that creates this marbling, the meat delivers an extraordinary flavor characterized by a tenderness, juiciness and richness that’s simply unrivaled by other types of beef.

Why choose Wagyu?
Also known by names such as Kobe beef, Mishima beef and Sanda beef, Wagyu — which is primarily available to U.S. customers via high-end restaurants and gourmet butcher shops — is arguably the best beef in the world. For meat lovers, it provides a premier (and altogether unbeatable) beef-eating experience. And while in the past Wagyu has been largely reserved for beef connoisseurs, FIREDISC and R-C Ranch aim to bring this world-class indulgence to meat lovers throughout the nation via R-C Ranch’s 100% full-blooded, rare-breed Wagyu cattle.

Wagyu’s bountiful health benefits
Wagyu beef not only boasts an exquisite eating experience, but it also provides an array of health benefits to those who indulge in it moderately — including lower cholesterol levels than other types of beef, higher levels of monounsaturated fats (the “good” fats used by the body to produce energy and cell growth), and a range of essential amino acids and fatty acids.
Often likened to salmon and olive oil from a health-advantages perspective, Wagyu beef can deliver wide-ranging health benefits such as:

  • Up to three times the monounsaturated fat of normal beef, along with high levels of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids — all considered critical parts of a healthy diet
  • The lowest cholesterol levels of any meat — including fish and chicken
  • Heart-healthy oleic acid, along with anti-carcinogenic properties that can help ward off cancer
  • A collection of essential amino acids that make it a complete source of protein
  • High levels of conjugated linoleic acid, a fatty acid that is believed to have various health benefits, including helping to reduce body fat

About R-C Ranch:
With the long-standing tradition of Texas family ranching in their blood, co-founders Blake Robertson and Ryan Cade set out with the promise to never compromise on quality or experience when they created R-C Ranch Wagyu beef. They saw a need in the market for safe, high-quality meat delivered direct from the source.

They both have a heart for their local community, so they started selling their Wagyu beef at surrounding farmers markets in Houston, TX. It didn’t take long before word got out about their high-quality, family-ranched beef. This led to countless partnerships with award-winning restaurants all over Texas. The time has come to bring R-C Ranch’s high-quality Wagyu beef and heritage pork direct from Texas to your kitchen table.




Fired Up Podcast with Michael Garfield
About R-C Ranch