Top 5 reasons to get a FIREDISC (from FIREDISC Nation)

There’s an air of community among FIREDISC Nation. And the savvy folks there would love for you to join the fun. Here are five awesome reasons to get in, from the Nation itself.


  1. It’s possible to debut magnificently

Look at what our buddy Donald A. did on his first cook. This could be you.



  1. It’s fun to create

Our friend Sue B. put together a spicy shrimp spaghetti we can’t stop thinking about.


  1. It’s good for drama

The good kind. Anyone who has waited on the Disc Sac like our good man Gerry S. has (or others for the Ultimate Flattop Lid!) find happiness eventually.


  1. It promotes the arts

Aspiring chefs and poets, this is your thing. Just ask our main man, Stefan S.


  1. It’s easy to clean

It’ll take just a couple of minutes to rinse it out and apply a layer of oil for seasoning. Or, you could take Don G.’s pup-powered approach.


There are many deviations from the norm when it comes to FIREDISC. That’s one of the beautiful things about them. And a great reason for you to make it part of your cooking repertoire.